Forget hormone replacement therapy.
N.B. This blog does not, in fact, endorse the consumption of "pure, wholesome refreshment" and advises instead responsible tippling in the hot chocolate department.
N.B.B. I am considering leading a class action, on behalf of aggrieved punctuators, against
Coca-Cola Inc. for its misleading use of ellipses. Who will join in my crusade? Who will be strong and stand with me? Beyond the barricade is a cola marinade, infusing clauses with false pauses.
Do you hear the people sue?
You've got legal connections, don't you, Mr M? I think we're onto something here.
I can't hear the people sue, damn my hearing's gotten bad.
That's what comes of keeping coca-cola in your ears.
Oh, so it rots ears as well as teeth? Damn dentist never mentioned that.
Sue, whoever she is, should see a doctor about her hearing.
In my experience, it's pointless to see a doctor about your hearing. Most of them think deaf is the normal way to be. And if you don't believe me just hear how hoarse I am today :(
I'm screaming, can you hear me yet..?
Dear LH, while I appreciate your efforts in the matter of the apostrophe, I don't think I can follow you on the ellipse. I find myself using it all over the place - along with the dash. In fact, I use these as a break-out. The ellipse and the dashes are in my tool-bag as means of breaking out of the strictures of commas, colons and semi-colons.
Blessings and bliss
PS: Declaration of pecuniary and addictive interest... in Diet Coke, Lime flavoured Diet-coke, and Pepsi Max.
I'm rather partial to a dash myself, Miss E - the kilted dash being one of my all-time favourite highland sports - perhaps second only to caber tossing - and Emmy Dickinson used them so prolifically - what's to object to? - versatile, horizontal, and utterly dashing. But dot dot dot? It's just not for me. It feels like the written equivalent of "um, so anyway". I am, of course, an insufferable snoot in matters like these, so "..." ahoy. My legal action isn't going to get very far.
I'm with Miss Eagle, coke zero is my diet master. I recycle the bottles by filling them with water which I drink by kidding myself it's coke zero light.
dot dot dot dash dash dash dot dot dot
Well, if it ain't Inspector Morse!
"Coke zero light": poifect! Although (and I realise I'm more or less alone here) I personally think water tastes nicer than coke.
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