Tuesday, 22 May 2007

In my prime (number)

Having been well and truly outed as today's birthday gel, I have no scruples about making a public announcement: yea, verily, I be twenty-nine years exactly-like, on this 22nd May, 2007. Never before have I been so old, although the shock is minimal, thanks to my policy of self-identifying as a forty-two year old since c. 1989. I was a little worried, though, to find a document headed "Retirement Incentive Scheme" in this morning's inbox. Why not just link me to a mail-order Zimmer frame site and have done with it, eh?


Kate Browne said...

Happy birdy Lexi Harlot! You are my favourite Gemini gel around town. May my soon to arrive daughter revel in her own brand of crazy Gemini-ness shortly, with you as inspiration.XXX K

Anonymous said...

Hippo Birdy,
Hurdo Gurdy.
Quippo Wordy's,
Almo' Thirdy!


Anonymous said...

bon anniversaire, ma chere lexicon! et bon courage - tes annees vingts vont bientot se terminer.. et a ce point la, le mot CUTE va follement t'effrayer.

no idea why this is en francais, x

Anonymous said...

My great aunt Molly used to tell people she was "21 and a tiddly bit", but I think "42 less a tiddly bit" is an even better strategy.

I toast you and the happy day with my cup of tea.

Alextricity said...

Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!
You'll be pleased to note that I have accepted this momentus day of celebration to expand more than the usual number of hours that I'm awake into my day - [thanks be to the ex bf who woke me at 4.17am and prevented me from returning to the land of pink geese - or they could be flamingoes (aha!)]
I pray that u have a wonderful twenny-ninfe and the rain falls soft upon ur fields...
think im comin to Melb-ville in not much more than a week!

ps. Do not be fooled by those Big-Brothren... they're actually jst down the road from where I live but they are all FAKE! As Demet will gladly tell you..

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on completing another lap around the sun!

Your next prime birthday (31) will be particularly special as it will be a Mersenne Prime and you won't get any more of them until you're 127.

The number theoretic nerd in me also has to sadly inform you that your last birthday was very likely your last perfect birthday. Unless you live to 496.

However, some consolations are that next year's birthday will be abundant and things won't get weird until you hit 70.

Anonymous said...

Woof woof woof woof to you,
Woof woof woof woof to you,
Woof woof woof woof dear Lexi,
Woof woof woof woof to you!

Woof-woof, Hooray!
Woof-woof, Hooray!
Woof-woof, Hooray!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, Lexi! Several years ago, you sent me a birthday card with the image of a clown ordering, "Ne pas fumer!" Timely advice, as always, and not for the faint-hearted. OR the cute.

Ne pas fumer!

Unknown said...

Happy birthday, dear LH. But please stop whinging. You are a fortunate Gemini. As for oneself, a fellow Gemini, Miss Eagle is 63 on this Friday and is eligible for the pension. How did this happen when I am only 18 on the inside?

Blessings, bliss and happy days forever

Alexis, Baron von Harlot said...

Thank you, Kate. Them's lovely words. I'm awfully excited about your impending offspring. Hope she comes soon and safely. Much love to you.

Emmy, every word thou speakst is true. I miss you folks so much. I'm glad Erin will be flying the Cathy St flag for 29-hood a few more months yet.

Ma cheri Catri, je ne parle pas la Français, mais les éléphants sont contagieux et, non, je ne regret le croissant, et, les jeunes aujourd'hui, c'est bizarre. Bises, a.

Karen, the best bit about your great aunt Molly's strategy is its legitimation of the word "tiddly", which I herewith resolve to use daily, and thrice on sundays, ever after.

Alex, the Big Brothren FAKE, you say? Surely channel 10 would never compromise on their earnest portrayal of human life in the raw? Good to hear that you'll be in the 'Bourne sometime soon. Hot chocolate - I'm there.

Mark, you have taken 'nerd' to dizzying and glorious heights. Bravo! I should also resolve not to dabble in that whereof I know next to nothing. See above attempt to communicate en francais.

Adrian, wherefore did I send you a card with a picture of a clown enjoining you not to smoke? What was I thinking? Sure, you're smokin', in the sassy-young-scholar-about-town sense, but not, so far as I've ever seen, in the cigarillo sense. Ah, the younger self: what a strange person she was. Thanks for the birdy tidings, comrade.

Miss Eagle, I don't complain. Twenty-nine, methinks, will suit me right down to the ground. A very happy day to you for friday. Hope you are suitably festooned and adored. (Talk to Mark, above, about 63.)

Anonymous said...

I was going to say 'Anglicised Greetings', but realised that might create a hilarious misunderstanding whereby you thought an Anglican Bishop had kindly descended into the interwubs to birthday-wish you, prompting a round-the-world scramble as you searched for him to return the secular favour on HIS birthday, collecting life knowledge and decorative teapots on the way.

This would be a bad thing (though a good movie script).

Thus, plain old Happy Birthday!

Alexis, Baron von Harlot said...

Thanks, J-meister: v. nice of you to say. Antipodean Greetings right back atcha.