having cycled pasted but a few hours ago, the refreshing breeze past the bile beans advert tonight would rapidly banish all thoughts of an excess of heat...
I'm sure there's always a lot of wind near the Bile Beans. (Ahem.)
Gosh. The thought of York in mid-winter is close to the deliciousest thought there is. I have also been checking the temperature reports from Antarctica, and doing my best to visualise my way there. -39C sounds pretty gorgeous from where I'm sitting.
... it's not working because it's untenable?
having cycled pasted but a few hours ago, the refreshing breeze past the bile beans advert tonight would rapidly banish all thoughts of an excess of heat...
I'm sure there's always a lot of wind near the Bile Beans. (Ahem.)
Gosh. The thought of York in mid-winter is close to the deliciousest thought there is. I have also been checking the temperature reports from Antarctica, and doing my best to visualise my way there. -39C sounds pretty gorgeous from where I'm sitting.
it's only 35 where i am, and it's glorious!
It's only 13 where I am (now) and it's more glorious than glorious. I love New Zealand so much I want to marry it.
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