Thursday, 18 January 2007

The Voyage of the Basset

Awright, I hear yas, a dog in a car does not a post maketh. I promise, there will be no more than one gratuitous homage to the hound per fortnight.


TimT said...

More Bassett! More Bassett!

Alexis, Baron von Harlot said...

Really? I'd be more than happy to oblige, only there are people who look at me askance when I give full vent to my infatuation with dogs-in-general. But this is all the encouragement I need. Next post will be in honour of Wilbur Harlot the Beagle.

TimT said...

Give these mutts a post, too, I reckon. I was in a play once with a guy who does dog paintings by commission; he had a studio on King Street that he also used to teach Latin dance. Apparently there's a classical pose for dog portraiture - dog at a standing position, nose pointing straight ahead.

Though of course, this really doesn't cover dogs doing natural things like sniffing their own bums, or driving cars, or playing poker ...

Alexis, Baron von Harlot said...

I've tried playing poker with Wilbur. He keeps a straight face, but he always gives the game away by wagging his tail. And he tends to eat the chips.

Dog paintings by commission! There's a documentary waiting to happen.

Lots of eighteenth-century portraits of ladies depict fluffy eared dogs looking more like slippers, sitting on said ladies' laps, apparently because the dog is a symbol of fidelity.

TimT said...

I was told that in France, lap-dogs were given as gifts to ladies who had had scandalous liasons with gentlemen that they were not married to, as a mark of shame. The dogs would sit in their mistresses' laps and growl at gentlemen as they passed by. Kind of like a living, breathing chastity belt!

Alexis, Baron von Harlot said...

I think our accounts might be linked: dog as punishment (or preventative) for adultery; dog as symbol of (sexual) fidelity. Either/or, this all deserves to be in a Very Expensive Coffee Table Book. I suggest you write to your publisher immediately.

Anonymous said...

There is dog fascination, and then there are excellent gentlemen who go around taking photographs of sidewalk dogs in San Francisco, and giving them captions. Viz: flavorcountry/dogblog/

Lesson: canine-ity is an excellent state of being, into which we should all aspire to be reincarnated.

Alexis, Baron von Harlot said...

Oh MY! Dogblog is LINKED! This is very exciting. Did I mention that there's a pet supplies shop at the bottom of my new street in Melbourg? The potential for dog voyeurism is tremendous.

Anonymous said...

Be careful with your dog voyeurism, Doctor. You don't want to get hounded out by the local constabulary for creating a Pubic Nusiance (although not as great a Public Nusiance as my dreadful punning causes, I'm sure).

Could dog portraiture be steeped in as much symbolism as military horse statuary? To wit: front right paw up, wounded in combat; front left paw up, died in bed; rearing up on hind legs, smote by vet; rear left leg, died in urination accident &c.

Alexis, Baron von Harlot said...

Sage advice, Nottlesby, as always. I'd hate to be deemed a Pubic Nuisance. Could get messy.

Anonymous said...

Quite. But not messy in the "pick-it-up-in-a-plastic-bag"sense, I certainly hope!