But it could be a knife idea to test the theory nonetheless. After all (and pausing to have a small coffee for effect), as the Baker's Guild announced last year, "the bun is the lowest form of wheat".
The Amateur Swordsman's club has recently taken on a Rapier Wit Contest, involving neither wire nor picket fencing, but instead matches of wits - three strikes and you're out.
Awright, awright, that's enough. Everyone now knows you're the cleverest cleverpantses to ever stalk the world wide web, but this cannot go on; I have a terrible sense of impunding doom.
I prefer macchiatoism.
Or a macho schism.
I prefer hersm to hism.
And Hermes to hymnals?
Let's not discriminate against the Capuchinos. When in France, do as the Franciscans do.
I couldn't have espress(o)ed those sentiments better myself.
Please stop, or somebody may put 'the pun is mightier than the sword' to a literal test.
Nice work, Jennifer of the Hair. You'd want to have a rapier wit for that test.
But it could be a knife idea to test the theory nonetheless. After all (and pausing to have a small coffee for effect), as the Baker's Guild announced last year, "the bun is the lowest form of wheat".
Ah, the language of flours.
Putting 'the pun is mightier than the sword' to a test? A cutting remark, not to put too fine a point on it.
Ha! And as they say in marine biology circles, the penguin is mightier than the swordfish.
The Amateur Swordsman's club has recently taken on a Rapier Wit Contest, involving neither wire nor picket fencing, but instead matches of wits - three strikes and you're out.
Oh, yes, an old flame of mine was into that kind of thing.
Most firey chaps are!
Touché! Or "To Che", the ode I wrote to Comrade Guevara on just this subject.
Or, toupee! (the furrier's invoice for a new hairpiece)
Or, to epee (not that I want to fence-sit in the pun vs sword debate.)
Jolly good work foiling that particular plot, WS!
I've seen drunkards take a wild stab in the dark, but not when they're sabre.
To epee or not epee: that is the question.
Come to think of it, 'Epee' would be quite a good euphemism for virtual micturation. Talk about taking a stab in the dark!
Awright, awright, that's enough. Everyone now knows you're the cleverest cleverpantses to ever stalk the world wide web, but this cannot go on; I have a terrible sense of impunding doom.
The (digital) sword of Damacles will slash us all?
Better, of course, for one to mind one's pees and queues.
Damocles I mean. Damnacleese is a chap who didn't appreciate Monty Python.
Anonymous Person: "Hey, Ali, give us a poem!"
Mohammed Ali: "Me Quee."
Now there was a man who knew his p's and, um, quees.
Ha! And as they say in marine biology circles, the penguin is mightier than the swordfish.
The only worthwhile comment here.
Thank you, Prude; needless to say, I had you in mind.
Indeed, "string" suggests some kind of linear continuity, whereas this resembles the widely dispersed shrapnel of a pun grenade.
That depends - modern "Comment String Theory" might have something to say about all this. It derives from Einstein's Theory of Prelativity.
Better prelate than prenever.
My theory of relativity is that they are all quite nice, especially when indulging in extended public wordplay with their friends.
Aw, shucks, Wool Spaniel. You're nice too.
miss macho is my name and there 'aint nothin' wrong with that.
Ah, but Anon, in the spirit of the previous 35 comments, have you found your perfect Macho?
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