Thursday, 8 February 2007

Inert Butane

They said it couldn't be done, but here I am, safe in the bosom of Thursday morning. Yes, the removalists are removaling my worldly goods down south as we speak, my summer school lectures are almost over, and My Third Televised Game Show went off without so much as a single producer requesting that I shave my armpits. (Here I thank, respectively, the best darn housemates in the world, the passing of time, and the armpit concealing properties of my cardigan.) You can catch all the dramatic tension of my Third Televised Game Show and see just how many electronics I won by tuning into the Kerry Packer Memorial channel, at 7 pm, on Tuesday 6th March. Go on. You know you want to.

For now, the edited lowlights.

Edited Lowlight #1
I don't know quite how this happened, but I somehow managed to say, on what will become national television, "I rather fancy Bert Newton." What I meant to say - and I'll persist in this version of events until the day I die - was, "I rather fancy inert butane". It just so happens that Bert Newton's face was winking at me from across the set at the time. I am nonetheless confident that my apparent confession of Newtonphilia was no more than a slip of the spooner. Not to say that Bert Newton isn't a very nice chap. In his way. No, really. A fine figure of a Bert.

Edited Lowlight #2
Game Show Host: "What word rhyming with 'plan' describes a small cake?"
Me: [confidently] "Fran!"
Ah, yes. The benefits of a tertiary education.

Edited Lowlight #3
Let's just imagine for the purposes of this anecdote that I won a 1.8 metre-wide plasma TV with DVD recorder, and that in the process of chatting to the elderly gent sitting beside me on the plane trip back to Sydville, I happened to mention it. The elderly gent considers this revelation for a moment, and then turns to me with a sage look in his eye, pronouncing, "If you get Foxtel, and some decent beer, you can have any boyfriend you want with that TV." I inspect his delivery from all angles for traces of irony, and, finding none, start dreaming of Bert.


Anonymous said...

Why not dream of his less televisual brother, Ernie? Or ... well, no. You are a Doktorlein of principle. One day Principal? Who can tell.

By Jove, is that the time?

Alexis, Baron von Harlot said...

Ernie and Bert, *brothers*, you say?

Anonymous said...

Ten beaut inuits?
True blue nauticals?
Net bent sputum?

Anonymous said...

Ert burnt euphemisms!

Alexis, Baron von Harlot said...

Leonard - no doubt about it - you're going to go far in this world.

lucy tartan said...




and best try to put all thoughts of Bert out of your mind. That would really be for the best.

Alexis, Baron von Harlot said...

You're right. Bert and me and Patty, it's just not going to work. Thanks for the tip.

(Thanks for the conga-rats! I'm a little excited myself.)

Torshy said...

@Wow lex! That's awesome! And to be perfectly honest, I agree with the old gent, you can have anyone you want with that kind of technology. Making friends taken care of.

ps can I have your new address pls?

Alexis, Baron von Harlot said...

Why, HI THERE, von Torshmeister! Lovely to read from you. I'll be disseminating contact data via group email later next week, but for now, one e-pistle swinging your way v. soon.

I look forward to many emotionally fulfilling hours with my tv friends. Oh yes I do.