Friday, 16 February 2007

Haute Couture

Melbourne is hot. Not, just now, in the questionable faux-leather undergarment sense of hot; more in the armpit-squelch-inducing sense. Exhibit A: my armpits.

You'd think that coming from Sydney, practically on the Equator, to the 'Bourne, just a notch north of Antarctica, I'd be moving from swelter to freeze. Or, if not freeze, then some kind of sensible temperature, compatible with the wearing of clothes and the exercising of brain. Think again, geographers. It's all I can do not to prostrate myself under my desk, with a wet rag across my forehead, and a couple of nearby penguins agitating their wings in a cooling fashion.

The good news is that I managed my first ever Melburnean clothes wash last night, and a week's worth of shirts and pantaloons dried on the line in 2 hours flat. Hot.


Anonymous said...

I feel something of your pain. I'm trying to perfect a delicate conceptual turn gripping the coat tails of Benjamin (Walter) and I keep almost falling asleep -and it's not even *that* hot!

K (doesn't really have a thing for Walters- it's just coincidence).

Alexis, Baron von Harlot said...

I had a great uncle Walter. Somehow "Walt" (as in Whitman, or Disney) sounds a lot sassier. Winter can't come soon enough, I reckon. Or at the very least, autumn.

Anonymous said...

I think I'd opt for "Walter" over "Walt", because I don't like Disney, but Whitman does redeem it somewhat. But don't you sometimes wish people had names like that still? I bought a second-hand book which was "from the bookshelf of Winifred Hodgkinson". It's the sort of name that makes you wonder who Winifred was and what happened to her in the end.
I'm with you- bring on Autumn at the very least. Summer makes me ramble!

Maria said...

I like Mortimer.

random comment for the dat #768

Anonymous said...

Winter will come soon enough, the Melbourne weather being as it is, and thank heavens for that. Also, the Melbourne weather has been up and down all summer; here's hoping it's dropped down to a temperate 20 degrees by now.

I'm off to nurse a coffee and a hangover, or at least one of those things.

Alexis, Baron von Harlot said...

38 degrees today, so they tells me. I've battened down the hatches and put the icetray in the freezer.

Condolences to your head. Hope the cawffee does the trick.

Anonymous said...

For Karen
I also have a book from the "bookshelf of Winifred Hodgkinson"
where did yours come from?