Wednesday 28 May 2008

Seeking Old Stick

Latest advice from my Aged Ps on the tirelessly interesting subject of home renovation: "Keep an eye out for a bit of wood to stir the paint with". If anyone has a nice stirring stick to spare, I'd be v. grateful if you could pop it in the post with my name on it. Why there isn't a stick rental outlet on every street corner I've no idea. We live in a fallen world. With too few sticks.


Anonymous said...

Too true, so if you find a good stick, stick with it. That's my advice.

Anonymous said...

Much to the relief of sundry concerned parties, I was finally prevailed upon to cut my toenails yesterday. If I'd known, I would have saved the longest one for your paint stirring.

Anonymous said...

Well you do need to make sure the paint is nice and sticky if you expect it to stay on the wall

Alexis, Baron von Harlot said...

True, true, true. That's my schtick and I'm schticking to it.

Unknown said...

What I am using are the slats from a couple of those bread bins with the roller thingy opening. I had brought a couple home from the hard rubbish with an idea of working on creative thoughts with them. This didn't happen. What did happen is they sat outside the shed in the rain until they sort of came unstuck and the slats of the roller thingies were loose. Pulled them to pieces to put in the rubbish bin - but decided the slats were a nice paint stick size. Hey presto! Paintsticks! Now get thee to the hard rubbish.

Blessings and bliss

Alexis, Baron von Harlot said...

Problem solved! The 'rents swung down to Melborneo on the weekend, and they picked up a nice stick from Coburg Park on the way. "Happy Birthday," they said. "We got you a stick".