Sunday 4 May 2008

The Yartz

This is a photograph of the painting I accidentally bought yesterday with all the money from my wallpaper budget. Anyone for bagpipe lessons? $35 an hour?


Martin Kingsley said...

Any painting wit' persimmons innit gets a thumbs up from moi.

Anonymous said...

Gosh, you had a wallpaper budget?!

lucy tartan said...

I was going to say what Martin has already said. Curse that Martin.

Anonymous said...

Yes, my apologies for the incorrect direction of my initial astonishment. Lovely persimmons in novel combination with Japanese print.

(I was distracted by your admirable dedication to wallpaper, although obviously it's the persimmons that have your heart).

Alexis, Baron von Harlot said...

I *did* have a wallpaper budget. Now I'm thinking the wallpaper can wait a month or three.

Fruit doesn't get much more louche than persimmons. I'm hoping the gal in the background is getting ready to gobble them all up.

Anonymous said...

I'd love to take up on the bagpipe lessons, Alexis, but I'd deplete the budget I'd set aside for artwork depicting Asian ladies gazing at persimmons.

That and the Sydney-Melbourne stretch may be a bit of an obstacle.

Best o' luck though finding takers.

M L Jassy said...

A bagpipe lesson is somethint I'm prepared to fly interstate for (rather than become intestate for.) Plus, I lost my striped sunhat from S&T on Brunswick St, so I need to apply for kowtow time at the hem of Baron Von Harlot.

Anonymous said...

Post us pics of the burger in a kilt!