Thursday 5 March 2009

Contemporary French novelists

Michel Houellebecq
Marie Darrieussecq

And what do English letters (as opposed to French letters) have by way of winsome anterior consonants? Byatt. Winterson. Ishiguro doesn't even end in a consonant. Pah.


genevieve said...

I love watching French film credits.
Thierry, Sylvie, Etienne, Pascal, Thibaudet...

Alexis, Baron von Harlot said...

Oh, I know, they all sound like delicious pastries.

Anonymous said...

You can't judge a book by it's author, or an author by their name, or a name by it's cover. Something like that...... Otherwise the Catalans would have the game sewn up.

Beth's dad again

Alexis, Baron von Harlot said...

The Catalans do have the game sewn up, Beth's Dad! Few people know this, but Dan Brown hales from a small village in the Pyrenees.

Anonymous said...

Someone recommended Houellebecq
to me and I read a couple of his novels and didn't enjoy them that much. A bit too male, cynical, middleaged perspedctive, didn't relate. I think I read "Whatever" and "Atomised". I've gone off the name.

Give me a Byatt any time.

genevieve said...

Did he really write a book called Whatever? Quelle folie! Incroyable.