Monday 10 November 2008

Subliminal advertising

I am about to mark an essay that smells of cigarette smoke. Note that I do not regularly sniff essays. This one came into proximity with my nostrils by accident.


Anonymous said...


Do you mind posting a link to my personal development subliminal software program? I will give you a copy of the fully functioning program free...

Sincerely, Tony Dosanjh

Tony Dosanjh said...

Hi Leon,

Do you mind posting a link to my personal development subliminal software program? I will give you a copy of the fully functioning program free...

Sincerely, Tony Dosanjh

Alexis, Baron von Harlot said...

I think there might be a hidden message in there somewhere.

JahTeh said...

Now, Baron, was it the ordinary carcinogenic cigarette smoke or the other kind designed to put you in a mellow marking frame of mind?

Martin Kingsley said...

I vote for a smooth blend that encompasses the best of both worlds.

Ampersand Duck said...

Bumblebee was just given a packet of textas that smell of things related to the colour. There's a shade of orange called 'tulip' that smells vaguely floral but I wasn't aware tulips actually had a smell. Others include 'blueberry muffin', 'pineapple' and 'lilac'. I'm sure it won't be long before there's a version with 'fries', 'nuggets' and 'cola', and indeed, maybe there's an adult pack of scented ink gel pens like 'tobacco', 'mull', 'red wine', 'dark choc'. Do you think your writer might have used one of these?

No, I didn't think so either. And I don't think I'll be using the word 'subliminal' in a post either, judging by the eagerness of your spammy blogbots.